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(2016 CSCO) HYK Gene: NGS Leading Tumor Precision Medicine into a New Era

Date:2016-09-23 Source:Considerin

    On September 22, the most bustling place in the beautiful coastal city Xiamen should be International Convention Center. In the sun of early autumn, the annual academic event of clinical oncology--9th Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology (2016 CSCO) was convened grandly at Xiamen International Convention Center.

    The satellite meeting themed as "guiding tumor precision medicine with high-throughput gene sequencing technology" launched by HYK in the conference has attracted extensive attention from the attendees. All the time, a lot of attention has been attracted to the application status and trend of high-throughput gene sequencing technology in the precision medicine field of clinical oncology. Before the meeting was started, all the 300 seats at the venue of meeting had been taken. 

A scene of the satellite meeting of HYK

    As the meeting was started, Sheng Sitong, president of Shenzhen HYK High-throughput Bio-technology Research Institute addressed the audience as chairperson of the meeting. He pointed out that at present, China has issued several favorable policies for the field of precision medicine, which has effectively promoted the precision medicine. As a globally leading provider of gene sequencing system solutions, HYK has also provided a powerful technical guarantee for the rapid development of China's precision medicine. He said, the key to development of precision medicine lies in the formulation of gene sequencing industry standards and related monitoring. Only by constantly perfecting the industrial standards for gene sequencing can we effectively promote the rapid development of precision medicine in China. As a pioneer in setting standards for gene sequencing in China, HYK Gene has always been committed to lying national standards for gene sequencing. At present, HYK Gene has reached cooperation with several institutions and successfully laid national standards for gene sequencing such as Specifications on High-throughput Sequencing Technology, Guide to Sequencing Technology with Sanger Method and Sample Pre-treatment for High-throughput Gene Sequencing. By establishing these national standards and specifications, it has boosted the robust development of precision medicine in China. 

Sheng Sitong, President of Shenzhen HYK High-throughput Bio-technology Research Institute addressed the audience

    During the meeting, Professor Zhang Jun from Ruijin Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiaotong University, gave a speech on the weight and application of biomarker in the clinical decision-making system for tumors. He mainly introduced the current research status of molecular tumor marker and its huge values in clinical diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, suggested that molecular tumor marker's development should be oriented around clinical applications and revealed the challenges faced by tests with molecular tumor marker. Meanwhile, Professor Zhang also pointed out that gene testing conducted with high-throughput, high-depth and high-cost-performance testing and supporting platforms are set to be the mainstream direction of tests with molecular tumor market in the future. Such a far-reaching view has triggered a heated discussion among the audience. 
Professor Zhang Jun from Ruijin Hospital affiliated to the School of Medicine of Shanghai Jiaotong University gave a wonderful speech

    Later, Professor Chen Gong from Tumor Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, gave a wonderful speech on the application of MMR in intestinal cancer precision medicine. He said that the high-throughput gene sequencing has become the first choice of gene sequencing method for auxiliary precision medicine for its advantages in accuracy and flux. After making a detailed introduction of the DNA mismatch repair system (MMR system), he said that MMR functional change is an important molecular event of colorectal cancer, explained the relationship between functional change of MMR and the occurrence of colorectal cancer and focused on introducing the important values and practical significance of MMR in clinical practice of colorectal cancer. Meanwhile, he pointed out that high-throughput gene testing technology boasts distinctive advantages in MMR gene testing and expressed confidence in the application of the technology in areas such as screening, diagnosis and prognosis of colorectal cancer. 

Professor Chen Gong from Tumor Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, gave a wonderful speech

    At the end of the meeting, Dr. Sheng Sitong and the two key guests had a heated and deep academic exchange with the audience. The active statements and asking by the attendees had also pushed the atmosphere of the satellite meeting to a climax. 
    High-throughput gene sequencing technology has become an important technology for precision medicine for its features such as correctness, sensitiveness, effectiveness and ability to process large samples at once, which has become popular in the field of clinical oncology. We are convinced that the formation and implementation of each favorable policy and related industrial standards, and the extensive application of high-throughput gene sequencing technology in the field of clinical oncology will further speed up the development of precision medicine. 

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