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In cooperation with numerous international and domestic first-class agricultural research institutions and government organizations, Considerin Group established a national database of agricultural germplasm resources and a big database of agricultural germplasm resources, which provide core resources for the innovative development of agricultural biotechnology and a support platform for big data applications.  

cash crops


Animal inspection
and quarantine








In cooperation with Shenzhen Agricultural Genomics Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Considerin Group developed China’s first agricultural gene sequencing equipment and supporting reagents granted with independent intellectual property rights, which make “l(fā)ow cost, convenience, localization” of China’s gene sequencing possible.

In cooperation with team of experts of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Considerin Group developed China’s first “pig gene chip” series of products granted with independent intellectual property rights, which provide efficient, convenient and accurate genetic testing, character screening and other services for agricultural research institutes, breeding enterprises, inspection and quarantine institutions.

克拉玛依市| 航空| 无锡市| 巴塘县| 洞头县| 博客| 浦城县| 准格尔旗| 横山县| 池州市| 丰都县| 仙居县| 仙游县| 潮州市| 高雄市| 精河县| 宁河县| 萨迦县| 喜德县| 偃师市| 长泰县| 庆安县| 沭阳县| 广灵县| 山阳县| 治县。| 响水县| 泽普县| 平顶山市| 渝中区| 临邑县| 通州区| 鹤山市| 闸北区| 鹤峰县| 白水县| 通化市| 巴彦淖尔市| 晋中市| 密云县| 卓资县|