
Language: 中文 | English
  • Core Values

    Struggle spirit oriented, focus on the big picture

  • Working Philosophy

    No bureaucracy but performance

  • Management Philosophy

    System controls human nature, and culture increases cohesion

Talent Concept HYK talent quality assessment model moral character performance results professional skills level professional quality
Corporate Vision

Our business is the result of standing on the shoulders of countless giants around the world. With rigorous professional scientific attitude andthe technological advantages of innovative high-tech biotechnology, our company is committed to building core competitiveness of gene life technology in the research, development and application of clinical transformation system platform technologies, and highlighting the leading position of China’s gene industry in the world.

吉木乃县| 垣曲县| 澄江县| 抚松县| 离岛区| 潮安县| 彰化市| 苏尼特左旗| 元朗区| 饶阳县| 微山县| 宜良县| 玛多县| 星座| 富裕县| 桐城市| 友谊县| 凌海市| 天门市| 佳木斯市| 鄂尔多斯市| 利川市| 乐平市| 虎林市| 盐池县| 金乡县| 科尔| 延津县| 泾源县| 泗水县| 玉树县| 澎湖县| 涞源县| 兴文县| 出国| 库伦旗| 普兰县| 永仁县| 武威市| 广河县| 扶风县|